Bein Adam laChaveiro Social Interaction Beit haMikdash The Temple Business Economics & finance Clothes Clothing-related laws Courts The legal system Environment Ecology, plants, animals Food Issues Law and philosophy Gender Issues Role differentiation |
Its place in Judaism Jews and Gentiles Relating to the world Marriage, Child-raising Family life Medicine Health and therapies Meta-halachic topics Overarching concepts Mourning and Death Law and philosophy Prayer Prayers and blessings Sanctified Texts Torah, Tefillin, Mezuzah |
Scientific issues Shabbat,Holidays,Fasts Law and philosophy The Supernatural Extraordinary topics Taharah/Tumah Ritual purity Talmud Torah Torah study Tanach People/places/events Theological Issues Relationship with Gd |
Index to Responsa texts cited within | Index to the Topics currently indexed |
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